Here's a list of my recent and upcoming talks (and/or comments) (last updated October 8, 2024).
Sept 8-11 German Society for Analytic Philosophy, Düsseldorf
June 12-14 Reasons and the Structure of Normativity, Bielefeld
May 29-31 Positive Moral Philosophy, Arizona State University
May 21-22 Creativity, Agency, and Value, Geneva
April 6-12 Capri Writing Retreat
Feb 22-29 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
Jan 15 Stefano Pinzan PhD defense, Milan
Dec 12-13 Devotion and Meaning in Life, Boston University
Dec 2 Global Visions Forum, Helsinki
Oct 30 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
Oct 25 Well-Being Working Group (online)
Oct 12-13 Striving book symposium, New York University
Oct 11 Fordham University, New York
Sept 5 Finnish Oncological Society meeting pre-symposium, Turku
August 3 Well-Being and the Self Roundtable, XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome
August 1-2 Understanding/Reason, XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome
July 24-26 Helsinki Workshop on Well-Being (Hel-WoW), Helsinki
June 12 A Minimally Good Life book launch, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
June 3-7 Emotion and Value, Dubrovnik
April 9-10 Meaning in Life, Geneva
March 21-25 Well-Being, Hiroshima
Feb 20-21 Workshop on Epistemic and Practical Normativity, Sevilla
Feb 16-17 Applied Epistemology, Zürich
January 22 Nora Hämäläinen book launch, Helsinki
December 5 Global Visions Forum, Helsinki
November 24 Annual Harnack Lecture, Aarhus
August 10-11 Ethics and Epistemology Workshop, Helsinki
June 29-30 Intuitions Workshop, Cologne
June 26-28 How Does It Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Affective Empathy, Liverpool
June 20-21 Institutional Epistemology, Helsinki
June 8-9 Meaning in Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Tromsø
June 6. Workshop on Dan Haybron's The Lives We Should Want, Helsinki
May 31-June 1 Canadian Philosophical Association Congress, Toronto
May 25 Moral Understanding, Essen
April 19 Expanding Empathy (online)
April 2-3 Guilt, Shame, and Regret, Oxford
March 15 Anger, Irritation, and Anxiety: An Upside to Uncomfortable Feelings? Think Corner, Helsinki
February 8 Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Winter School, Helsinki
January 10-11 Ethics After Parfit, LMU Munich
[2021 and 2022 left out - something happened to international travel...]
November Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (postponed)
Nov 19 Metodimaanantai, Turku
Nov 17 Arché Language and Mind Seminar, St Andrews (online)
Nov 14 Humanistiliiton demokratia-seminaari, Helsinki
Sept 16 Epistemic Normativity Workshop, Leeds (online)
Sept 14-15 Non-Moral Responsibilities Workshop, Warwick (postponed)
July 24-26 Royal Institute of Philosophy, Meaning in Life and Knowledge of Death, Liverpool (postponed)
July 2-9 International Summer School in Affective Science, Geneva (postponed)
June 25-26 The Political Role of Moral Emotions: Normative, Conceptual, and Practical Dimensions, Geneva (postponed)
May 15 Philosophy Seminar, University of Turku
April 2-4 European Early Career Philosophers Network Workshop, Tartu (postponed)
February 11 Book launch event for Mistä puhumme kun puhumme eriarvoisuudesta?, Oiva, Kallio, Helsinki
February 5 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, Helsinki
Jan 16-18 Normative Ethics Workshop, Tucson, Arizona
Jan 10-11 Mikkelin Akatemia
Dec 10-11 Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond Workshop, Helsinki
Nov 22 Bruno Sarlin -seminaari, Helsinki
Nov 14-15 Well-Being and Affective States, Clermont-Ferrand
Nov 6 INEQ seminar, Helsinki
Oct 27-Nov 2 The Value of Consciousness and Consciousness of Value, Rice University, Houston
Sept 27 Perjantaiparlamentti, Hämeenlinna
Aug 26 Eriarvoisuus ja politiikka, Tiedekulma, Helsinki
July 24-26 Kansas Workshop on Well-Being (KWoW 5), Lawrence
June 17 Emotions: From Politics to Ethics. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
May 21 Psykiatrian klinikka, HYKS, Helsinki
May 15-17 Workshop on Happiness, Well-Being, and the Good Life, Montreal
April 26 Jäätelö- ja suklaakarnevaali, Helsinki
April 17-20 Book Symposium on Joshua May's Regard for Reason in the Moral Mind, Pacific APA, Vancouver
April 8 Dimensions of Well-Being: Intellectual, Moral and Emotional, Glasgow.
April 1-2 The Times of Our Lives: The Nature and Significance of Temporal Well-Being, Liverpool
February 28 Visiting Speaker Series, University of Jyväskylä
February 7-8 Turku Institute for Advanced Studies
Jan 31-Feb 1 Normative Pluralism, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Jan 23 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
Jan 17-18 Suomen filosofisen yhdistyksen kollokvio Tekoäly, ihminen ja yhteiskunta, Tampere
December 5 Inaugural Lecture, University of Helsinki
November 26 Tekoäly eettisessä sodankäynnissä, Tiedekulma, Helsinki
November 1-3 Norms and Reasons Conference, Zürich
October 10 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
September 28-29 Workshop on Cheshire Calhoun's Doing Valuable Time, Sheffield
September 5-6 Workshop on Intergenerational Justice and Democracy, Tampere
August 21 Ethical AI Roundtable, Helsinki
August 1-3 Kansas Workshop on Well-Being (KWoW), Lawrence, Kansas
July 12-19 Moral Epistemology Summer School, Central European University, Budapest
May 2 Eettistä tietopolitiikkaa tekoälyn aikakaudella, Säätytalo, Helsinki
April 11 Keinoälyn eettiset haasteet, Veritas Forum, Helsinki
March 23 Workshop on Ethical Expertise, Helsinki
March 16 Happiness and Affective States Workshop, Montreal
February 22-24 Symposium on Effort and Difficulty, Central APA, Chicago
February 18-20 Workshop on Normativity and Reasoning, NYU Abu Dhabi
November 30 Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva
September 14-15 Workshop on Admiration, LMU München
August 25-27 Filosofidagarna, Uppsala University
May 30 Research Forum, University of Bayreuth
May 25 Workshop on Susan Wolf's Donnellan Lectures, Trinity College Dublin
May 11-12 Is and Ought: The Ethical and Legal Relevance of Moral Psychology, Zentrum für
Interdisziplinäre Studien, University of Bielefeld
May 5-6 Workshop: Happiness, Virtue, and the Meaning of Life, Stockholm University
May 3-4 Workshop on Well-Being, Time, and Prudence, University of Tampere
April 24 Colloquium for Practical Philosophy, University of Zürich
April 21-22 Narrating Emotions Workshop, University of Lucerne
February 15 Colloquium, University College Cork
January 12 Tieteen päivät, University of Helsinki
December 1-2 University of Duisburg-Essen
November 17 Colloquium, University of Tampere
November 16 Departmental Colloquium, University of Turku
October 25-26 Transformative Experience Workshop, LMU München
September 23 Symposium on Meaning in Life, University of Helsinki
September 15-16 New Methods of Ethics, University of Birmingham
July 25-27 SPAWN 2016: Well-Being, Syracuse University
July 11-12 British Society for Ethical Theory, Cardiff University
June 28-29 Humboldt Normativity Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
June 13-14 Workshop on Happiness and Virtue, Trinity College Dublin
April 22-23 Ethical Inquiry Lecture and Seminar, Brown University
March 30 Book Symposium on Gwen Bradford's Achievement, Pacific APA
January 13 Suomen filosofisen yhdistyksen Mahdollisuus-kollokvio, Helsinki
Sept 8-11 German Society for Analytic Philosophy, Düsseldorf
June 12-14 Reasons and the Structure of Normativity, Bielefeld
May 29-31 Positive Moral Philosophy, Arizona State University
May 21-22 Creativity, Agency, and Value, Geneva
April 6-12 Capri Writing Retreat
Feb 22-29 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
Jan 15 Stefano Pinzan PhD defense, Milan
Dec 12-13 Devotion and Meaning in Life, Boston University
Dec 2 Global Visions Forum, Helsinki
Oct 30 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
Oct 25 Well-Being Working Group (online)
Oct 12-13 Striving book symposium, New York University
Oct 11 Fordham University, New York
Sept 5 Finnish Oncological Society meeting pre-symposium, Turku
August 3 Well-Being and the Self Roundtable, XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome
August 1-2 Understanding/Reason, XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome
July 24-26 Helsinki Workshop on Well-Being (Hel-WoW), Helsinki
June 12 A Minimally Good Life book launch, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
June 3-7 Emotion and Value, Dubrovnik
April 9-10 Meaning in Life, Geneva
March 21-25 Well-Being, Hiroshima
Feb 20-21 Workshop on Epistemic and Practical Normativity, Sevilla
Feb 16-17 Applied Epistemology, Zürich
January 22 Nora Hämäläinen book launch, Helsinki
December 5 Global Visions Forum, Helsinki
November 24 Annual Harnack Lecture, Aarhus
August 10-11 Ethics and Epistemology Workshop, Helsinki
June 29-30 Intuitions Workshop, Cologne
June 26-28 How Does It Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Affective Empathy, Liverpool
June 20-21 Institutional Epistemology, Helsinki
June 8-9 Meaning in Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Tromsø
June 6. Workshop on Dan Haybron's The Lives We Should Want, Helsinki
May 31-June 1 Canadian Philosophical Association Congress, Toronto
May 25 Moral Understanding, Essen
April 19 Expanding Empathy (online)
April 2-3 Guilt, Shame, and Regret, Oxford
March 15 Anger, Irritation, and Anxiety: An Upside to Uncomfortable Feelings? Think Corner, Helsinki
February 8 Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Winter School, Helsinki
January 10-11 Ethics After Parfit, LMU Munich
[2021 and 2022 left out - something happened to international travel...]
November Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (postponed)
Nov 19 Metodimaanantai, Turku
Nov 17 Arché Language and Mind Seminar, St Andrews (online)
Nov 14 Humanistiliiton demokratia-seminaari, Helsinki
Sept 16 Epistemic Normativity Workshop, Leeds (online)
Sept 14-15 Non-Moral Responsibilities Workshop, Warwick (postponed)
July 24-26 Royal Institute of Philosophy, Meaning in Life and Knowledge of Death, Liverpool (postponed)
July 2-9 International Summer School in Affective Science, Geneva (postponed)
June 25-26 The Political Role of Moral Emotions: Normative, Conceptual, and Practical Dimensions, Geneva (postponed)
May 15 Philosophy Seminar, University of Turku
April 2-4 European Early Career Philosophers Network Workshop, Tartu (postponed)
February 11 Book launch event for Mistä puhumme kun puhumme eriarvoisuudesta?, Oiva, Kallio, Helsinki
February 5 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, Helsinki
Jan 16-18 Normative Ethics Workshop, Tucson, Arizona
Jan 10-11 Mikkelin Akatemia
Dec 10-11 Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond Workshop, Helsinki
Nov 22 Bruno Sarlin -seminaari, Helsinki
Nov 14-15 Well-Being and Affective States, Clermont-Ferrand
Nov 6 INEQ seminar, Helsinki
Oct 27-Nov 2 The Value of Consciousness and Consciousness of Value, Rice University, Houston
Sept 27 Perjantaiparlamentti, Hämeenlinna
Aug 26 Eriarvoisuus ja politiikka, Tiedekulma, Helsinki
July 24-26 Kansas Workshop on Well-Being (KWoW 5), Lawrence
June 17 Emotions: From Politics to Ethics. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
May 21 Psykiatrian klinikka, HYKS, Helsinki
May 15-17 Workshop on Happiness, Well-Being, and the Good Life, Montreal
April 26 Jäätelö- ja suklaakarnevaali, Helsinki
April 17-20 Book Symposium on Joshua May's Regard for Reason in the Moral Mind, Pacific APA, Vancouver
April 8 Dimensions of Well-Being: Intellectual, Moral and Emotional, Glasgow.
April 1-2 The Times of Our Lives: The Nature and Significance of Temporal Well-Being, Liverpool
February 28 Visiting Speaker Series, University of Jyväskylä
February 7-8 Turku Institute for Advanced Studies
Jan 31-Feb 1 Normative Pluralism, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Jan 23 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
Jan 17-18 Suomen filosofisen yhdistyksen kollokvio Tekoäly, ihminen ja yhteiskunta, Tampere
December 5 Inaugural Lecture, University of Helsinki
November 26 Tekoäly eettisessä sodankäynnissä, Tiedekulma, Helsinki
November 1-3 Norms and Reasons Conference, Zürich
October 10 Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, University of Helsinki
September 28-29 Workshop on Cheshire Calhoun's Doing Valuable Time, Sheffield
September 5-6 Workshop on Intergenerational Justice and Democracy, Tampere
August 21 Ethical AI Roundtable, Helsinki
August 1-3 Kansas Workshop on Well-Being (KWoW), Lawrence, Kansas
July 12-19 Moral Epistemology Summer School, Central European University, Budapest
May 2 Eettistä tietopolitiikkaa tekoälyn aikakaudella, Säätytalo, Helsinki
April 11 Keinoälyn eettiset haasteet, Veritas Forum, Helsinki
March 23 Workshop on Ethical Expertise, Helsinki
March 16 Happiness and Affective States Workshop, Montreal
February 22-24 Symposium on Effort and Difficulty, Central APA, Chicago
February 18-20 Workshop on Normativity and Reasoning, NYU Abu Dhabi
November 30 Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva
September 14-15 Workshop on Admiration, LMU München
August 25-27 Filosofidagarna, Uppsala University
May 30 Research Forum, University of Bayreuth
May 25 Workshop on Susan Wolf's Donnellan Lectures, Trinity College Dublin
May 11-12 Is and Ought: The Ethical and Legal Relevance of Moral Psychology, Zentrum für
Interdisziplinäre Studien, University of Bielefeld
May 5-6 Workshop: Happiness, Virtue, and the Meaning of Life, Stockholm University
May 3-4 Workshop on Well-Being, Time, and Prudence, University of Tampere
April 24 Colloquium for Practical Philosophy, University of Zürich
April 21-22 Narrating Emotions Workshop, University of Lucerne
February 15 Colloquium, University College Cork
January 12 Tieteen päivät, University of Helsinki
December 1-2 University of Duisburg-Essen
November 17 Colloquium, University of Tampere
November 16 Departmental Colloquium, University of Turku
October 25-26 Transformative Experience Workshop, LMU München
September 23 Symposium on Meaning in Life, University of Helsinki
September 15-16 New Methods of Ethics, University of Birmingham
July 25-27 SPAWN 2016: Well-Being, Syracuse University
July 11-12 British Society for Ethical Theory, Cardiff University
June 28-29 Humboldt Normativity Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
June 13-14 Workshop on Happiness and Virtue, Trinity College Dublin
April 22-23 Ethical Inquiry Lecture and Seminar, Brown University
March 30 Book Symposium on Gwen Bradford's Achievement, Pacific APA
January 13 Suomen filosofisen yhdistyksen Mahdollisuus-kollokvio, Helsinki